Read-Aloud for 2nd Grade: "Are You Ready for Me?"

If you or a family you know is considering adopting a new dog,this book is for you!

In Claire Buchwald's wonderful book for children, kids are asked to consider the many aspects of acting responsibly when they get a new dog. Told from a dog's perspective, children are asked to think about whether or not they are ready to care for a new dog daily, including ensuring their pet has fresh food and water, daily walks, regular veterinary visits, and making their dog a priority by giving them daily love and attention. 

What a great story to help children and their families to think carefully about making the big decision to adopt a new furry family member!

To watch the read-aloud now, just click here, or click on the image below. Published with permission from the publisher, The Gryphon Press.

Happy reading! 

"Are You Ready for Me" is featured in the program, "How Dogs Help Kids Read and Succeed in the Classroom" with Dr. Lori Friesen. To learn more about what district administrators, teachers, parents, and students are saying about this literacy program, click here. 

To purchase your own copy of this great book, just click here!