5 Ways to Give Your Dog the Best Holiday Season Ever
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Featured Book: Stanley's Party
Featured Book: Dex: The Heart of a Hero
Encouraging Children t..., Featured Books, Goal-Settingfirst lastCarolyn Buehner, Dex, Dex: The Heart of a Hero, encouraging children to dream, featured book, featured books, Mark Buehner, super hero, super heroes, the courage to dream
Featured Book: Maggie's Second Chance
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The Invisible Link Between Child and Animal Abuse
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Featured Book: May I Pet Your Dog?
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Featured Book: Before You Were Mine
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When Kids Read with REAL Dogs :-)
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What One Teacher Said that Surprised and Thrilled Me
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"Just" Stuffed Animals?
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Word Study Strategies when Kids Read with Dogs
Take This Quiz to Find Out if Your Child is Dog-Safety Savvy
Goal Setting and Comprehension Strategies when Reading with Pets!
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A Doggone Wonderful Beginning!