What the Research Says: How dogs could make children better readers
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Congratulations, Sunny Sands Elementary!
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Pamela Horton, Principal of Sunny Sands Elementary, Endorses How Dogs Help Kids Read and Succeed
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The Launch of How Dogs Help Kids Read and Succeed in 1st Grade
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Tony Knapp, Director of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction, Endorses How Dogs Help Kids
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5 Treats the Easter Bunny will NOT Be Bringing Your Dog or Cat
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10 Animal-Themed Ideas for RAK Week
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Create Vision Boards with Elementary Students
4 Ways to Give Your Dog the Best Holiday Season EVER!
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8 Foods to Avoid Feeding Fido this Thanksgiving
12 Days of Holiday Gifts for Your Students!
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Univision Featured How Dogs Help Kids Read and Succeed!
How Kids Can Get a "REAL" Golden Bone Dog Tag!
25 of My Favorite Halloween Dog Costumes of All Time
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Advice for Kids from Program Graduates
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The Incredible Surprise Gift My Tango Left Me
The Top 10 Ways Dogs Help Kids Learn Kindness, Responsibility, and Safety around Animals
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If Your Child Hates Reading, This Could Change Everything
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Dr. Lori's Top 10 Tips for Bringing Dogs Into Schools
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Featured Book: Cool Dog, School Dog
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